All historical Photos on this site are from the Ghetto Fighters House Archive and are used with their generous permission

Children in Crisis VII

Multidimensional Perspectives

Zoom 2022

Keynote Lecture: Prof. Debórah Dwork, Director of the Center for the Study of the Holocaust, Genocide, and Crimes Against Humanity at The Graduate Center–City University of New York 

 To Whom did They Belong? Hidden Jewish Children in the Postwar Netherlands

First Session: Chair: Dr. Verena Buser 

Dr. Imke Hansen, Libereco – Partnership of Human Rights / Vostok SOS 

If I was in the army, Putin would already be dead”. Children affected by the Russian invasion of Ukraine 

 Prof. Malin Thor Tureby, Malmö University 

Education as Rehabilitation. Self-Government and Emotional Assistance at a Boarding School for Child Survivors in Sweden 1946-1948 

Ms. Monika Umlauf, IsrAid Germany 

Group Art Therapy with young Ukranian Refugees. Perspectives from Supervision 

Second Session: Chair: Dr. Boaz Cohen 

Dr. Verena Buser, Sandbostel Camp Memorial 

Training as Rehabilitation. The ORT and Young Holocaust Survivors 

 Ms. Maria El-Safti, Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus, Berlin 

The Importance of Self-Care in Pedagogical Work with Traumatized Children 

Prof. Laura Hobson Faure, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris 

Looking Up and Turning Back: Rehabilitating Jewish Refugee Children in France on the Eve of WWII