All historical Photos on this site are from the Ghetto Fighters House Archive and are used with their generous permission

The 1945 Bytom Notebook: Searching for the Lost Voices of Child Holocaust Survivors


Boaz Cohen & Beate Muller


Cohen, B., & Müller, B. (2013). The 1945 Bytom Notebook: Searching for the Lost Voices of Child Holocaust Survivors. Freilegungen: Überlebende – Erinnerungen – Transformationen, Jahrbuch des International Tracing Service, Bd. 2, 122-137


This paper focuses on an unpublished Yiddish manuscript of 42 child Holocaust testimonies, collected and written down in Polish Bytom in 1945 by Shlomo Tsam, the principal of the local Hebrew School, who – through chronicling the fate of his charges under the Nazis – gave permanence to the children’s stories of loss and survival, stories which otherwise would have been lost.