17:00-17-15 (Israel Time) Opening remarks :prof. Emerita Dalia Ofer, Hebrew University Jerusalem
17:15-18:35 First Session :Chair: dr. Boaz Cohen
Ms. Maria Kaldani, The HOME Project’ Athens
Apart from Family: Becoming unaccompanied after enetring a safe country
Dr. Verena Buser, University of Applied Sciences Potsdam
“…all have suffered the lack of a normal steady background.” Displaced Children, Europe 1945
Dr. Amy Williams, Nottingham Trent University uk
Reaching out across Time and Space: Child Survivors of Genocide and Reconciliation
18:45-20:00 Second Session: Chair: Dr. Verena Buser
Mr. Jan Graf, International Organization for Migration Berlin
Lost in Transition?! – Strengthening Unaccompanied Migrant Children in their Transition to an Independent Life. Findings of the U-CARE Project
Dr. Chiara Renzo, Universitå degli Studi di Firenz
Jewish DP Children in Postwar Italy Youth Villages: the Challenges of Collective Rehabilitation
Ms. Esther Bernsen, AMCHA Deutschland
Transgenerational Transmission of Trauma to following Generations: What we can learn from Child
Survivors of the Holocaust today